Dear moms, put YOURSELF on your to-do list (San Ramon beauty photographer)

Ooooof, I know it ain’t easy. But, its NECESSARY.

Indian Glamour San Ramon, California

When I became a mom, I TOTALLY lost myself. The instant I laid eyes on my first born, (a gorgeous brown-eyed boy with so much hair he looked like he was wearing a wig!) I morphed into this whole other person. I stopped styling my hair, I skipped the gym, and I routinely cancelled plans with plans to spend more time with my new main squeeze.

I poured my whole soul into my children and in return, I was left kinda soulless. It may sound harsh, but that’s the way it was.

I used to feel legit guilty for spending time and God forbid money on myself. This went for years… Okay, more like over a decade. But, I was in good company. In fact, I’ve never met a mother who didn’t sacrifice her life for her children.

And one day i asked myself a question that changed the way I care for myself. What if my children grew up to treat themselves the way I treated MYSELF?

No bueno!!!!

san ramon glamour photography

And that’s when I put my foot down. Quite literally. The first act of self care I did was treating myself to a pedicure. It was my first one in YEARS. Next, I gifted myself with a yoga class and after that I was off to the races. Before long, I’d given myself permission to treat myself DAILY. Some days it’s a long walk around my neighborhood, or locking myself in my bedroom to meditate or pray. Other days it’s a fun night out with my girls!

The moral of the story is that I put MYSELF back on my priority list. And my kids (now 13 and 16) are all the better for it. I’m far more energetic and fun to be around. And knowing that I’m modeling a healthy lifestyle for them encourages me during those times I’m tempted to put myself on the back burner.

san ramon glamour photography

This bombshell is a busy mother and wife. She arrived to my studio overwhelmed and completely consumed with worry over her children. My deepest desire is to show all women how confident, fierce and safe they are in their own power. Together, we worked through her anxiety and unleashed the powerhouse you see in these images.

It was such a pivotal breakthrough when she finally allowed herself to relax and take this time for herself.

“I love every photo. I truly enjoyed my photoshoot. You made me feel so comfortable. I will definitely recommend you to my friends and family. I love your work. Thank you for a great experience.” - Charisma

san ramon glamour photography
san ramon glamour photography

I’d love to photograph YOU!!! Let’s create something incredible together.

College Bound | Pleasanton Senior Photoshoot

I vividly remember my senior year in high school. Here are a few fun facts about how ya girl was living back in the 1992 (Dang, that was a long time ago)

  • I was 16 years old (yep, just a youngin’)

  • Everyday after school, I’d stuff my face with tater tots, turkey sausage and Hostess cake products in an attempt to add weight to my 98 pound 5’5” frame, cuz “boys like em’ thick” and I was anything but.

  • I attended Fremont High School in Oakland, a “Magnet School” where in addition to taking snooze fest classes like math and geometry I attended “The Media Academy” where I got to produce and star in videos, write for the school paper and spend my summers doing cool internships at the local TV station!

  • I broke up with my one and only high school bf (and by broken up, I mean finally mustered up enough self esteem to release myself from a toxic relationship). Hallelujah! 🙌🏽

    Back in my day, a senior photoshoot consisted of a visit to the school cafeteria where a cheesy black velvet sash was draped over your chest and a less than enthusiastic “photographer” snapped your pic.

My how times have changed. For the better!

It was a BLAST photographing this divine young lady. I’m honored that I was selected to capture her final moments in high school before she spreads her wings and heads to college (gulp) out of state.

Jolie, we’re rooting for you!

Pleasanton senior photoshoot
Pleasanton senior photoshoot
Pleasanton senior photoshoot
Pleasanton senior photoshoot
Pleasanton senior photoshoot

Personal Branding + Headshots for Boss Babe Ashley

Google “boss babe” and watch this powerhouse of a woman’s image appear. This busy Fortune 100 VP/General Manager of a multinational conglomerate had exactly 15 minutes to capture headshot gold before jetting off to an important meeting across the bridge in San Francisco.

20 years ago when Ashley first began her Corporate journey, she routinely endured condescending comments about her southern accent and blonde hair. She struggled to be taken seriously and was routinely passed over for opportunities.

But her grind + time payed off. Not only is she at the top of her game, she is also an incredible Speaker and mentor (and a whole lot of fun to photograph!)

This is the gorgeous face of perseverance. And it’s why I LOVE THE WORK I DO. I photograph amazing, joyful, world changers.

“Mawiyah was great to work with. She was efficient, energetic, and I loved every image we produced in the short time we had to work together.” - Ashley

“Mawiyah was great to work with. She was efficient, energetic, and I loved every image we produced in the short time we had to work together.” - Ashley

Can you believe that it was over 100 degrees in San Ramon this day?! The sun was hot, but Ashley was cool, calm and collected.

Can you believe that it was over 100 degrees in San Ramon this day?! The sun was hot, but Ashley was cool, calm and collected.

Headshot San Ramon, California

Personal branding headshots set you apart from the pack and help you connect with your dream audience/clients. Find out how to book your session today!

Personal Branding Headshot San Ramon